Selasa, 16 Agustus 2011

A Book to Read

When I saw this book for the first time I didn’t expect that this is a book about financial planning. I thought this book was about revolution, reformation or something like that. Just look at the cover. Don’t you think so??    

So, after reading the brief content of this book I decided to buy this book and I’m really glad for making the right decision. This book is much recommended. It explains the importance of financial planning, investment instruments and also the guidance to set up your financial plan with simple language which makes this book very easy to understand.  It simplifies Robert T. Kiyosaki’s Rich Dad Poor Dad and can be used as a supplement for that book.

The writer is my favorite financial planner and a very successful career woman and mother. Salute for Mrs. Ligwina Hananto for inspiring me and many others. 

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